Seventh Generation

314. Clifford John BOYLAND was buried in 1964 in Portland Evergreen Cemetry New York.USA.. He died on 8 August 1964. He was born 9thFebruary 1909 in Wales. Clifford has reference number 669.

Clifford John BOYLAND and Katherine E BURLINGAME were married in 1932. Katherine E BURLINGAME was born in 1911. She was buried on 24 November 1989 in Portland Evergreen Cemetry New York. She has reference number 670.

Clifford John BOYLAND and Katherine E BURLINGAME had the following children:



James Charles BOYLAND.



Alice Helen BOYLAND was born on 6 December 1946. She has reference number 413.



Robert John BOYLAND was born on 3 September 1948. He has reference number 702.